Missions Page
"We love because He first loved us."
-- 1 John 4:19
This is a page dedicated to missions - God's passion: the sending out of His people to share Jesus' message of freedom for hearts and souls.
If you're wondering, "Why missions?" My response is, "Why not?"
The Great Commission was not a Command to only a select few. It is a Call for everyone.
Elisabeth Elliot once wrote, "We believed, of course, in God. We believed Him to be a personal God who calls people - individuals - and makes Himself and His will known to them in many different ways. He sends people who believe in Him to others who do not...These were the fundamentals. For me there was also a deep conviction that God blesses those who obey Him and work things out in beautiful, demonstrable ways for those who have given themselves to do His work. I had heard many sermons about the coldness and disobedience of the church. I knew that millions had never heard of Christ because so few were willing to go tell them..."
I don't want to be one of the unwillings. I don't want to participate in that kind of robbery (robbing people of the opportunity to know Jesus). I don't want to sit here selfishly hoarding the greatest Treasure in the Universe when I had received that Gift free of charge, and that Gift remains still free for others - only, they remain in darkness, coldly unhappy because they don't know about it. For me to not share the wealth is called being SELFISH!!!
I believe God has called us all. But are we all willing to answer?
I am beginning my missionary journey with a one-year commitment to the Navigators at UCSD.
This section has several links about the Nav ministry:
Regular Updates of Praise & Prayer Requests
Check out details about Sam's mission trip to Ecuador with Wycliffe by going to her webpage: http://smallestseed.tripod.com
Also, here's a link to a prayer letter for my Portland trip with Wycliffe.