Friend, Sept
6, 2002
Dreams really do
come true!
When I was a little kid, I was fascinated by the idea of living forever. Many of the books I read
fueled this longing to live forever -- although one book, “Tuck Everlasting,”
made me realize that I didn’t want to live forever in this imperfect world. It was like God
set eternity in my heart. The other
day I read these Jesus words, “I am the living bread. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever…” (Jn 6:51a). There it was in plain black and white! If I feed on Jesus as my Source &
sustenance, I will indeed live forever!
~ forever in a Perfect World.
The gratefulness I have in my heart for this Eternal Life wells up, full
to overflowing…
And it overflows to college students on UCSD campus. This academic year (02-03), I have the
privilege of serving part-time with the Navigators Collegiate Ministry at UCSD,
helping college students receive everlasting life. So this would mean that by day I will be a 40-hour Research
Associate for the California Smokers’ Helpline and by night I will be a
“missionary” on campus. I will get to
hang out with college students, love them with Christ’s love and bring them to
Jesus. I will get to share the gospel,
teach, disciple, train, and lead Bible studies.
I am most looking forward to having Investigative Bible studies
with nonbelieving students and sharing the Bridge Illustration (which
illustrates the gospel) with them.
There is just something about sharing the gospel to those who
have never heard that really makes me feel like I’m alive. Maybe it’s because there’s so much truth in
Philemon 6 – that we come to know every good thing we have in Christ when we
actively share our faith. Or maybe it’s
because when I do it, I know that I am echoing God’s passion. (He loves people
and wants all of them to be with Him forever!)
Or perhaps it is mostly that God has given me such a heart for
people. When I look into eyes, all I
see are aching hearts that long for the fulfillment that only the Lord Jesus
can give. Having experienced the joy of
sharing His message, seeing eyes opened, lives changed and longings fulfilled,
all it’s got me is craving for more!
But I can’t do this alone.
Would you join with me on this one-year commitment that I have made to
be a missionary at UCSD? I need your
prayers most of all – because we are not in a battle “against flesh and
blood…but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Prayer is the only way that these students
will be set free from the bondage of darkness.
So please pray for their release and pray for me, also, that God may
open the door for the Message, so that I may proclaim the mystery of
Would you also consider supporting me
financially to cover ministry expenses such as Bibles, conferences,
newsletters, Bible study materials, etc?
I need people to commit monthly for this next year. My total need is $500/month. If God leads you to give, then send a check made
payable to The Navigators with my name “Mary Ann Nguyen” on the memo line,
to PO Box 6400, Colorado Springs, CO 80934-6400. If you would like to get updates from me and/or would like to commit
to praying for me, please email me at
Classes at UCSD begin Sept 26.
Please pray for me as I initiate with incoming freshman. (More exciting details of the fall Bible
study in the next newsletter!)
Thank you for your devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. Your love for Him and for the saints
encourages me immensely.
Lil’ Ladybug,