William Wordsworth once said that poetry is simply "the overflow of emotion recollected in tranquilty..." I agree with him that what defines poetry is not form or rhyme, but true human emotion. Here are a few of such overflows...
ode to my backpack
Written by Alvin Wu
Feb 10, 2003
my jansport backpack has traveled on my back,
in it, i put everything; nothing i lack.
it has gone through the wind, sleet and rain,
and never complains about having pain.
it never talks back or expects things from me,
and even has carried items that are free.
it's side pocket carries my water,
only sometimes does it falter.
my backpack...a good friend of mine.
has always been to me very kind.
thank you backpack; you are very keen,
i must wash you soon so you can be clean.
the surrendered life
the surrendered life
exerpt from Can't Argue with Sunrise, A Paper Movie
I'm learning now the true island of dreams
"Cemetary of my Dreams"
i lie awake
Romans 10:11
Written by Mary Ann Nguyen
Nov 12, 2002
no longer craves to be a wife
it watches and waits
but never hesitates
it serves just One -
Jesus Christ, the Son
and knows what it means to be
one who is truly free
Written by Lou Stoumen
is no distant shore
but the present journey
the work
my being
and yours
this moment
love now if we can make it.
Written by Mary Ann Nguyen
(Sept 6, 2001)
in the wake of the night
in the wake of my sweat
from pounding dreams
crashing thoughts
that bury me alive
walking on broken shards
dry cracked plates of desert chunks
the cemetary of all my dreams
lay all before me
tears and blood mix
blend all around
dismal words i thought i left behind
the day i left behind
my old life to follow
a narrow road.
but dreams still die
when they are not founded
on The One Sure Thing.
Those who trust in You will never
be put to shame.
Help me trust in You, O Lord.
September 28, 2000
to be a servant leader
you must, must love them
and NOT stand above them.
be in the crowd and do what they do,
else there's no chance
of them following you.
Sept 15, 2000
there is love that comes from Your hand,
that I have yet and will ne'er understand.
I was fiddling with my broken printer awhile back - it was kinda frustrating. It's always frustrating when things don't function the way they ought to, isn't it? Like my CAR for example is also quite "broken." So I was thinkin' "Man, i've got a broken printer, a broken car... every thing in my life is so broken!" So I started writing...
Broken printer,
Broken car,
So much broken,
But ---
Broken thoughts,
Broken skin,
Broken veil,
Broken heart,
Broken things,
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
Written by Mary Ann Nguyen
(February 3, 2000)
cannot scroll.
Broken prayers,
does not flow.
cannot run.
Broken people,
not so fun.
broke my heart.
Pieces scattered,
frustration starts.
impatience breaks.
Broken noise,
His Word awakes.
blood stains through.
Broken body,
for me and you.
now we see.
Broken tomb,
we are set free.
humbled here.
Broken pride,
His grace is clear.
so sad it seems.
But broken's needed
to be redeemed.
In this life, Lord, I ask for
In sweet certain surrender,
Written by Mary Ann Nguyen
(January 5, 2000)
no laziness or listless, lackadaisical living,
no madness made by the muck of mediocrity
or slowness, sloth or slumbering.
Prompt me, prod me, probe me.
Encourage, enliven and enlighten.
Don't leave me untouched, unchanged,
unacceptable or unkempt.
Guard me, goad me, guide me in your path.
May my eyes receive what is revelatory and righteous,
rejecting what you revile as revolting.
that I would not fly in a fury of frantic frenzy
by my own accord.
Hold this helpless child near your heart
that I may hear and hearken to your Holy Hope
and walk without want or weariness in your wondrous way.
and Jesus' name I pray,
God - my Father -
Written by A.P.
(January 3, 2000)
I close my eyes and I lean on You.
My prayers - stumbling, inadequate words
     in a language man has created.
But do You feel my heart?
How my mind rushes around, trying to express
     to you how I feel?
I close my eyes and I lean on You.
I lean, I bow, I grab Your feet.
This fragrance is sweet to You
     because I lean on You.
"The Wonders of the Gift of Prayer…"
How sweet it is to have a heart that is at peace,
Thanks for listening.
Written by Ed Ie
(December 24, 1999)
Prayer gets me there.
The gentle whispers that I hear in my ear,
That happens when I pray.
Seeing your wonders being done in others and myself,
That also happens when I pray.
Telling all my deepest and darkest secrets without feeling ashamed,
Prayer allows me to do that.
Having an intimate conversation with the one who loved me ever since,
That's prayer.
There are many wonders to tell of your special gift to us,
yet I can't explain it all.
Only one can find out the wonders when one prays…
That's my prayer to You Lord.
"Friend of Ours"
To a special Friend...
What would I do without a friend like you?
What would I do without a friend like you?
You are not just the Creator and Sovereign I Am,
Written by Ed Ie
(November 23, 1999)
I think I would be lost for all eternity,
Lost in the dark sea where I once was.
A friend would always be there for you.
Through the sadness, and through the joys.
You have been that faithful friend.
And I ask myself,
Have I always been faithful to you?
From the day when I first met You,
To the days that are now,
A friend would always love you for the way you are.
You have never stopped loving me for the way I am.
And I ask myself,
Have I ever stopped loving You?
You are the friend that everyone dreams of having.
A friend always shares great things with other friends.
I pray that I can share You with mine.
Click for below for:
"Cherish the Love in Your Heart" by Vince Ng